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 Nouvelle directive européenne

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61 participants
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Nombre de messages : 2948
Age : 29
Localisation : Lyon
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyLun 12 Déc 2016 - 18:31

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Révision de la directive « armes à feu » de l'Union européenne : Pressentant une défaite, la Commission européenne ten...
BRUXELLES, December 12, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

Bien que le compromis trouvé entre les positions du Conseil et celles du Parlement ne satisfasse les détenteurs légaux d'armes à feu et leurs représentants, il aura été suffisant pour acculer la Commission dans ses derniers retranchements. Cette dernière, incapable d'appuyer ses arguments autrement que sur du vent, cherche à tout prix à éviter de perdre la face dans une défaite cuisante. Les derniers chiffres produits par la Commission en matière de violence avec armes à feu viennent même d'être contredits par un rapport TRANSCRIME de l'Union européenne : le nombre réel d'armes légales impliquées dans les actes criminels en Europe est bien éloigné de ce que prétend la Commission.

Devant la résistance du parlement, le cabinet de Junker fait maintenant pression sur le Conseil dans l'espoir d'infléchir son vote, le Conseil se préparant à voter un texte incluant les compromis décidés lors des trilogues avec le Parlement. Ce texte se met en travers de la volonté de la Commission, qui reste de bannir toutes les armes automatiques, même celles détenues par des collectionneurs au titre de l'Histoire, ainsi que toutes les armes civiles semi-automatiques de type AR-15 et AK utilisées par les tireurs sportifs. La Commission est aidée dans sa tâche par une rhétorique médiatique convenue, accusant Parlement et Conseil de comportement irresponsable, jouant avec la sécurité des citoyens européens en acceptant d'écouter les détenteurs légaux d'armes à feu et leurs représentants, qualifiés de « Lobby des armes ».

L'entêtement quasi obsessionnel de la Commission dans cette affaire met en danger un patrimoine historique, la notion même de propriété privée, des disciplines sportives et des centaines de milliers d'emplois. Mais au-delà, cet entêtement met en danger l'avenir même de l'Union européenne, en poussant les détenteurs légaux d'armes à feu dans les bras des partis eurosceptiques pour les élections à venir.

Tomasz Stepien
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Nombre de messages : 1421
Age : 56
Localisation : Riviera vaudoise
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2013

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 13 Déc 2016 - 9:22

Lettre de Vicky Ford a tous les MEPs:

Dear Colleagues,

I thought it would be helpful to provide a detailed update on the Firearms Directive.

European laws on firearms have been in place since 1991. Certain weaknesses and failings of the existing Directive came to light in the aftermath of recent terrorist attacks. Last November the Commission proposed a revision, however the reforms were not balanced or workable for the legitimate gun holder. There was no majority in the Parliament committee to reject outright the Commission proposals. Therefore the Parliament has been going through an amendment process which I have been leading as rapporteur. There is now an agreement in principle on key elements.

The Directive sets out the conditions under which private persons may lawfully acquire and possess guns or transfer them to another EU country. The Directive also sets requirements for marking and keeping and sharing of registers.

Firearm types are defined as Category A,B or C. Category A firearms are prohibited except for certain types of individuals, Category B firearms need an “authorisation”, and owners of Category C firearms need to declare their ownership but do not need authorisation.

Salute and Acoustic Firearms
The previous treatment of so called “salute and acoustic firearms” raised security concerns. These are working firearms converted to fire blanks. Under the existing Directive in certain countries these could be sold without authorisations and some were easily re-converted to live firearms. This type of firearm was used in Paris terrorist attacks. A cache of over 30 were discovered in the UK in 2015.

The rules covering these firearms will now be tightened. Going forward any firearm which has been converted to fire blanks must remain licensed under the same rules as its original live-firing version.

Deactivated Firearms
In order to strengthen deactivation regimes, the European Commission introduced a new Deactivation Regulation which came into force in April 2016. This sets a single standard for deactivation of firearms. However technical implementation issues have arisen and some countries are concerned that the new standard is less secure than their previous national regime. Following pressure from the Parliament, the European Commission has now re-convened a Working Group of Experts from the European Member States to review the Regulation. The Commission has committed that a revision will be completed by early 2017.

Introduction of the Deac-Reg caused problems for legitimate holders of deactivated firearms such as historical re-enactors and those involved in film making etc, as it prohibits them from selling or transferring across borders any items deactivated prior to April 2016 unless the items are re-deactivated to the new standard, which is not technically possible in many cases. Following pressure from the Parliament there will now be a process to assess national standards in use prior to April 2016. If the standards are accepted by the Working Group and Commission as “equivalent” then items deactivated to that previous regime will be able to be bought, sold and transferred without requiring further modification.

The Commission proposed that all deactivated firearms would become subject to the same registration and authorisation procedures as firearms. This was rejected. Instead the negotiations agreed that newly deactivated firearms should be categorised in Category C and need to be declared to national authorities while this would not apply to existing deactivated firearms.

Category A
The Commission’s original proposal added:
Category A6 “Automatic firearms which have been converted into semi-automatic firearms“ and Category A7 “Semi-automatic firearms for civilian use which resemble weapons with automatic mechanisms”

These were both rejected by the Parliament. There is experience that categorising items based on the subjectivity of “resemblance” creates legal uncertainty.

Category A6
The Parliament’s initial committee approach was that “Automatic firearms which have been converted into semi-automatic firearms” should remain in Category B if the conversion was irreversible and be in Category A only if the conversion was reversible. The Parliament proposed that the Commission should develop new technical standards to define which conversions were irreversible. However, the Commission was not prepared to accept responsibility for preparing technical specifications on these conversions.

To reach agreement negotiators representing the majority of the Parliament conceded that automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic firearms should be Category A but added new authorisation procedures so that, at the discretion of the Member State, reservists, target shooters and others with special licences would be permitted to hold these. In addition a grandfathering clause is added so that existing owners can continue to own, transfer, inherit or sell these firearms to others who have appropriate authorisation. Again this is at the discretion of the Member State.

Category A7
Instead of using “resemblance” criteria both Parliament and Council proposed to add to Category A semi-automatic centre-fire firearms when a high-capacity loading device is fitted. Firearms have been categorised depending upon loading capacity already in the current Directive, and the new rules extend this approach. This only affects firearms which use centre-fire and not rimfire percussion ammunition.

The categorisation applies when the firearm and magazine is in combination together, and does not depend merely on whether the firearms is capable of having a higher capacity magazine inserted. This has been made explicit in the text for adoption.

Following lengthy negotiations, it was agreed that for long firearms exceeding 60 cm a magazine with a capacity greater than 10 rounds would be restricted, while for a short firearm the limit would be at 20 rounds.

Member States will be able to give authorisations for reservists, target shooters and others with special licences for these firearms. As for those firearms that now fall under Category A6, there is a grandfathering clause.

Status of magazines/ loading devices
Law enforcement authorities in certain countries pressed hard for restrictions on higher capacity magazines. The Council approach was to prohibit their possession but this was rejected by the Parliament as it was considered impractical to enforce. Instead it was agreed that future acquisitions of loading devices will depend upon showing a valid and appropriate license, as is already the case for ammunition, so only those with authorisation to hold category A firearms will be permitted to acquire high capacity magazines.

People who are found in possession of a high capacity magazine after a transition period and who do not have a category A authorisation will risk having their authorisation to hold firearms removed.

Special provisions for ownership
Member states will be able to give Category A authorisations to individuals for the protection of the security of critical infrastructure, commercial shipping, high-value convoys and sensitive premises, as well as for national defence, educational, cultural, research and historical purposes

Museums and collectors: Member states will be able to give Category A authorisations to recognised museums and in exceptional and duly reasoned cases to collectors, subject to strict security measures. The collection of ammunition is permitted.

Target shooters: Member states will be able to give Category A authorisations to target shooters provided the individual is actively practising for or participating in shooting competitions. We have worked closely with the International Practical Shooting Confederation to ensure that the authorisation covers those entering the sport as well as those already competing. The current freedom of choice of equipment used by competitors in their shooting disciplines is not restricted. To facilitate continued participation in international competitions the rules governing the European Firearms Pass will be updated to cover firearms, including Category A firearms, held by such target shooters.

Reservists: Armed forces, the police and the public authorities are outside the scope. The provisions for authorisation for national defence also enables Member States to issue reservists with firearms.

Switzerland: Language is introduced to cover the Swiss system based on general conscription which enables the transfer of military firearms to persons leaving the army.

Film industry: Many film productions in Europe use firearms including deactivated firearms, purpose-built blank firing firearms as well as live firearms, usually firing blanks, all depending on the nature of the production. The Commission initial proposals would have jeopardised this but the Parliament text has re-instated the ability for special authorisations for the film industry under strict controls.

Re-enactors: The European Firearms Pass enables legitimate owners to move firearms across borders. This has been updated to assist historical re-enators.

Private modifications: Hand-loading and reloading of ammunition will remain permitted. Modifications of firearms for private use are also still permitted by private owners and not restricted only to dealers or brokers.

Medical systems
The existing law states that authorisations are only permitted for those who “are not likely to be a danger to themselves or others”. The Commission suggested that medical tests should been needed for each authorisation and these should be reviewed every five years. However point-in-time medical tests are not necessarily effective. Instead it was agreed that each Member State must have a monitoring system to assess relevant medical and psychological information which they may operate on a continuous or non-continuous basis. Authorisation will be withdrawn if any of the conditions on which it was granted are no longer met, or may be renewed or prolonged if the conditions are still fulfilled. Member States can decide whether or not the assessment involves a prior medical or psychological test. This does not change national approaches or introduce new EU-wide requirements for medical testing.

Marking, Registers and Information Sharing
The current law requires firearms to be marked and registered so that each firearm can be linked to its owner. Law enforcement and Europol noted the risk of sales of parts. Going forward the essential components of a firearm also need to be marked and registered. To avoid risk of confusion the main identifier will be the mark affixed to the frame or receiver. The new marking requirements will not apply to existing firearms. Firearms of historical importance may not need markings depending on national law.

To improve information sharing, dealers and brokers will need to inform national authorities of transfers through electronic means and Member States will share information on firearms held in their country.

Next steps
The provisional deal still needs to be confirmed by the EU member states’ permanent representatives (Coreper) and by Parliament’s Internal Market Committee. This is to happen towards the end of January 2017. The draft directive would then be put to a vote by the full Parliament in a plenary session in 2017 and formally approved by the EU Council of Ministers.

It was proposed that Member States would have 15 months to transpose the new rules into national legislation and 30 months to introduce new systems for sharing of information. Members States may decide to suspend the requirement for declaring deactivated weapons and prior category D firearms for 30 months from the entry into force of the Directive.


I would like to thank the many organisations who have assisted with technical advice including International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), The European Federation of Associations for Hunting & Conservation (FACE), The Nordic Hunters’ Alliance, Federation of European Societies of Arms Collectors (FESAC), The Association of European Manufactures of Sporting Firearms, The British Association for Shooting and Conservation, Deactivated Weapons Association, Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association, The Royal Armouries, the Imperial War Museums and the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History.

With many thanks,

Vicky Ford

Vicky Ford MEP
Chairman of Internal Market Committee

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Nombre de messages : 1278
Age : 61
Localisation : sud france
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 13 Déc 2016 - 10:57

d’après cette connerie ( et si j'ai bien compris ) mon Fal anglais , mon ar 15 en 222  qui aurait du passé en A6
resterai en B car fabrication civile ou semi auto d'origine .  une VZ 858 serai dans le même cas .

mais passerai quand même en  A7 a cause de la capacité chargeur ...

Confus  Confus  Confus

super usine a gaz ( A6 et A7)...

Confus  Confus  Confus

qui pourra être en plus durci chez nous ...je vais puker

curieux d'avoir le retour de mon armurier spécialisé dans la vente d'AR 15. en 223

il pourra se recycler dans la vente de réplique d'arme militaire en 22 lr ....

bon ..il y a des élections bientôt  ...je vais manifester ma mauvaise humeur Devil Devil
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 119
Age : 69
Localisation : Alsace France
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2008

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 13 Déc 2016 - 11:31

wikicat a écrit:
d’après cette connerie ( et si j'ai bien compris ) mon Fal anglais , mon ar 15 en 222  qui aurait du passé en A6
resterai en B car fabrication civile ou semi auto d'origine .  une VZ 858 serai dans le même cas .

mais passerai quand même en  A7 a cause de la capacité chargeur ...

Confus  Confus  Confus

super usine a gaz ( A6 et A7)...

Confus  Confus  Confus

qui pourra être en plus durci chez nous ...je vais puker

curieux d'avoir le retour de mon armurier spécialisé dans la vente d'AR 15. en 223

il pourra se recycler dans la vente de réplique d'arme militaire en 22 lr ....

bon ..il y a des élections bientôt  ...je vais manifester ma mauvaise humeur Devil Devil

à moins qu'ils annulent les élections !! blabbb blabbb
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Nombre de messages : 539
Age : 109
Localisation : République de Genf
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 13 Déc 2016 - 11:41

doom2 a écrit:
Lettre de Vicky Ford a tous les MEPs:

Dear Colleagues,

I thought it would be helpful to provide a detailed update on the Firearms Directive.

European laws on firearms have been in place since 1991. Certain weaknesses and failings of the existing Directive came to light in the aftermath of recent terrorist attacks. Last November the Commission proposed a revision, however the reforms were not balanced or workable for the legitimate gun holder. There was no majority in the Parliament committee to reject outright the Commission proposals.  Therefore the Parliament has been going through an amendment process which I have been leading as rapporteur.  There is now an agreement in principle on key elements.

The Directive sets out the conditions under which private persons may lawfully acquire and possess guns or transfer them to another EU country.  The Directive also sets requirements for marking and keeping and sharing of registers.

Firearm types are defined as Category A,B or C.  Category A firearms are prohibited except for certain types of individuals, Category B firearms need an “authorisation”, and owners of Category C firearms need to declare their ownership but do not need authorisation.

Salute and Acoustic Firearms
The previous treatment of so called “salute and acoustic firearms” raised security concerns. These are working firearms converted to fire blanks.  Under the existing Directive in certain countries these could be sold without authorisations and some were easily re-converted to live firearms. This type of firearm was used in Paris terrorist attacks. A cache of over 30 were discovered in the UK in 2015.

The rules covering these firearms will now be tightened. Going forward any firearm which has been converted to fire blanks must remain licensed under the same rules as its original live-firing version.

Deactivated Firearms
In order to strengthen deactivation regimes, the European Commission introduced a new Deactivation Regulation which came into force in April 2016.  This sets a single standard for deactivation of firearms.  However technical implementation issues have arisen and some countries are concerned that the new standard is less secure than their previous national regime.  Following pressure from the Parliament, the European Commission has now re-convened a Working Group of Experts from the European Member States to review the Regulation. The Commission has committed that a revision will be completed by early 2017.

Introduction of the Deac-Reg caused problems for legitimate holders of deactivated firearms such as historical re-enactors and those involved in film making etc, as it prohibits them from selling or transferring across borders any items deactivated prior to April 2016 unless the items are re-deactivated to the new standard, which is not technically possible in many cases.  Following pressure from the Parliament there will now be a process to assess national standards in use prior to April 2016.  If the standards are accepted by the Working Group and Commission as “equivalent” then items deactivated to that previous regime will be able to be bought, sold and transferred without requiring further modification.

The Commission proposed that all deactivated firearms would become subject to the same  registration and authorisation procedures as firearms.  This was rejected. Instead the negotiations agreed that newly deactivated firearms should be categorised in Category C and need to be declared to national authorities while this would not apply to existing deactivated firearms.

Category A
The Commission’s original proposal added:
     Category A6  “Automatic firearms which have been converted into semi-automatic firearms“ and Category A7 “Semi-automatic firearms for civilian use which resemble weapons with automatic mechanisms”  

These were both rejected by the Parliament. There is experience that categorising items based on the subjectivity of “resemblance” creates legal uncertainty.

Category A6
The Parliament’s initial committee approach was that “Automatic firearms which have been converted into semi-automatic firearms” should remain in Category B if the conversion was irreversible and be in Category A only if the conversion was reversible. The Parliament  proposed that the Commission should develop new technical standards to define which conversions were irreversible. However, the Commission was not prepared to accept responsibility for preparing technical specifications on these conversions.

To reach agreement negotiators representing the majority of the Parliament conceded that automatic firearms converted into semi-automatic firearms should be Category A but added new authorisation procedures so that, at the discretion of the Member State, reservists, target shooters and others with special licences would be permitted to hold these. In addition a grandfathering clause is added so that existing owners can continue to own, transfer, inherit or sell these firearms to others who have appropriate authorisation. Again this is at the discretion of the Member State.

Category A7
Instead of using  “resemblance” criteria both Parliament and Council proposed to add to Category A semi-automatic centre-fire firearms when a high-capacity loading device is fitted.   Firearms have been categorised depending upon loading capacity already in the current Directive, and the new rules extend this approach.  This only affects firearms which use centre-fire and not rimfire percussion ammunition.  

The categorisation applies when the firearm and magazine is in combination together, and does not depend merely on whether the firearms is capable of having a higher capacity magazine inserted.  This has been made explicit in the text for adoption.  

Following lengthy negotiations, it was agreed that for long firearms exceeding 60 cm a magazine with a capacity greater than 10 rounds would be restricted, while for a short firearm the limit would be at 20 rounds.

Member States will be able to give authorisations for reservists, target shooters and others with special licences for these firearms.  As for those firearms that now fall under Category A6, there is a grandfathering clause.

Status of magazines/ loading devices
Law enforcement authorities in certain countries pressed hard for restrictions on higher capacity magazines.  The Council approach was to prohibit their possession but this was rejected by the Parliament as it was considered impractical to enforce.  Instead it was agreed that future acquisitions of loading devices will depend upon showing a valid and appropriate license, as is already the case for ammunition, so only those with authorisation to hold category A firearms will be permitted to acquire high capacity magazines.  

People who are found in possession of a high capacity magazine after a transition period and who do not have a category A authorisation will risk having their authorisation to hold firearms removed.

Special provisions for ownership
Member states will be able to give Category A authorisations to individuals for the protection of the security of critical infrastructure, commercial shipping, high-value convoys and sensitive premises, as well as for national defence, educational, cultural, research and historical purposes

Museums and collectors: Member states will be able to give Category A authorisations to recognised museums and in exceptional and duly reasoned cases to collectors, subject to strict security measures. The collection of ammunition is permitted.

Target shooters:   Member states will be able to give Category A authorisations to target shooters provided the individual is actively practising for or participating in shooting competitions. We have worked closely with the International Practical Shooting Confederation to ensure that the authorisation covers those entering the sport as well as those already competing. The current freedom of choice of equipment used by competitors in their shooting disciplines is not restricted. To facilitate continued participation in international competitions the rules governing the European Firearms Pass will be updated to cover firearms, including Category A firearms, held by such target shooters.  

Reservists:  Armed forces, the police and the public authorities are outside the scope. The provisions for authorisation for national defence also enables Member States to issue reservists with firearms.

Switzerland: Language is introduced to cover the Swiss system based on general conscription which enables the transfer of military firearms to persons leaving the army.  

Film industry: Many film productions in Europe use firearms including deactivated firearms, purpose-built blank firing firearms as well as live firearms, usually firing blanks, all depending on the nature of the production. The Commission initial proposals would have jeopardised this but the Parliament text has re-instated the ability for special authorisations for the film industry under strict controls.

Re-enactors: The European Firearms Pass enables legitimate owners to move firearms across borders. This  has been updated to assist historical re-enators.

Private modifications: Hand-loading and reloading of ammunition will remain permitted. Modifications of firearms for private use are also still permitted by private owners and not restricted only to dealers or brokers.

Medical systems
The existing law states that authorisations are only permitted for those who “are not likely to be a danger to themselves or others”.  The Commission suggested that medical tests should been needed for each authorisation and these should be reviewed every five years.  However point-in-time medical tests are not necessarily effective.  Instead it was agreed that each Member State must have a monitoring system to assess relevant medical and psychological information which they may operate on a continuous or non-continuous basis.  Authorisation will be withdrawn if any of the conditions on which it was granted are no longer met, or may be renewed or prolonged if the conditions are still fulfilled. Member States can decide whether or not the assessment involves a prior medical or psychological test.  This does not change national approaches or introduce new EU-wide requirements for medical testing.

Marking, Registers and Information Sharing
The current law requires firearms to be marked and registered so that each firearm can be linked to its owner. Law enforcement and Europol noted the risk of sales of parts. Going forward the essential components of a firearm also need to be marked and registered. To avoid risk of confusion the main identifier will be the  mark affixed to the frame or receiver. The new marking requirements will not apply to existing firearms. Firearms of historical importance may not need markings depending on national law.

To improve information sharing, dealers and brokers will need to inform national authorities of transfers through electronic means and Member States will share information on firearms held in their country.

Next steps
The provisional deal still needs to be confirmed by the EU member states’ permanent representatives (Coreper) and by Parliament’s Internal Market Committee. This is to happen towards the end of January 2017. The draft directive would then be put to a vote by the full Parliament in a plenary session in 2017 and formally approved by the EU Council of Ministers.

It was proposed that Member States would have 15 months to transpose the new rules into national legislation and 30 months to introduce new systems for sharing of information. Members States may decide to suspend the requirement for declaring deactivated weapons and prior category D firearms for 30 months from the entry into force of the Directive.


I would like to thank the many organisations who have assisted with technical advice including International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), The European Federation of Associations for Hunting & Conservation (FACE), The Nordic Hunters’ Alliance, Federation of European Societies of Arms Collectors (FESAC), The Association of European Manufactures of Sporting Firearms, The British Association for Shooting and Conservation, Deactivated Weapons Association, Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association, The Royal Armouries, the Imperial War Museums and the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History.

With many thanks,

Vicky Ford

Vicky Ford MEP
Chairman of Internal Market Committee

Petit détail qui a son importance: de quand date ce torchon?
Juste pour pouvoir le situer dans le temps et pouvoir le mentionner dans ce que je vais écrire à tous les MEP.
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Nombre de messages : 1278
Age : 61
Localisation : sud france
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 13 Déc 2016 - 17:15

Member States will be able to give authorisations for reservists, target shooters and others with special licences for these firearms. As for those firearms that now fall under Category A6, there is a grandfathering clause.

sert à rien leur truc si ils nous filent des viagères Confus

vais pas me plaindre Paix je constate juste qu'ils sont très cons Devil
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Nombre de messages : 1421
Age : 56
Localisation : Riviera vaudoise
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2013

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 13 Déc 2016 - 21:16

Firearms United a publie la lettre, ca date d'aujourd'hui:
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Nombre de messages : 119
Age : 69
Localisation : Alsace France
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2008

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 20 Déc 2016 - 12:24

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
blabbb blabbb blabbb
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Nombre de messages : 75
Age : 71
Localisation : france (Haut de France)
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2009

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMer 21 Déc 2016 - 15:15

Le derniers crimes de Berlin, justifie pleinement les restrictions sur les armes prévu par nos oligarques ......
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Nombre de messages : 1421
Age : 56
Localisation : Riviera vaudoise
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2013

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMer 21 Déc 2016 - 15:18

Etat actuelle (au 16.12.) de la Directive:
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Y a qu'un reponse a donner a ca

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Nombre de messages : 1278
Age : 61
Localisation : sud france
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMer 21 Déc 2016 - 17:09

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Nombre de messages : 119
Age : 69
Localisation : Alsace France
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2008

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMer 21 Déc 2016 - 17:17

doom2 a écrit:
Etat actuelle (au 16.12.) de la Directive:
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Y a qu'un reponse a donner a ca


ça veut dire quoi en français ?
avec l'anglais j'ai du mal depuis watterloo Yeux roulants Yeux roulants
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Nombre de messages : 4900
Age : 60
Localisation : entre lacs et montagnes
Date d'inscription : 06/10/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMer 21 Déc 2016 - 20:16

bleu669 a écrit:
ça veut dire quoi en français ?
avec l'anglais j'ai du mal depuis watterloo Yeux roulants Yeux roulants

Que les B4 sont compromises. mur
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Nombre de messages : 4540
Age : 41
Localisation : France (IDF)
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMer 21 Déc 2016 - 20:20

Qu'il va encore falloir se modifier pour essayer de faire amender en session plénière les points les plus foireux, à savoir:
- restriction de capa des chargeurs à 10 coups (armes d'épaule) et 20 coups (ADP)
- interdiction des armes semi issues de la conversion d'armes automatique
- permis/autorisations à durée limitée
- contrôles médicaux

La situation est grave, mais ce n'est pas encore fini (à moins qu'on se résigne d'avance ...).
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Nombre de messages : 5461
Age : 36
Localisation : Charleroi (Be)
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2009

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMer 21 Déc 2016 - 22:58

Tous les PM à la poubelle, en bref.

Bande de c*ns !
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Date d'inscription : 21/04/2008

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyJeu 22 Déc 2016 - 8:01

c'est pas fini encore?
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Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyJeu 22 Déc 2016 - 8:07

Non, là on est à un genre d'accord de principe négocié entre les rapporteurs du comité IMCO du Parlement, les repésentants du Conseil et la Commission.

Maintenant, le texte va être examiné au Parlement en séance pénière (ie: le Parlement complet, pas juste quelques MEP IMCO), où il peut encore être amendé avant votes.

Il est évident qu'il aurait été largement plus souhaitable d'arrêter ces idioties au niveau du comité IMCO, mais c'est pas le cas.

Il va donc falloir redoubler d'acharnement et non abandonner !
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Nombre de messages : 1421
Age : 56
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Date d'inscription : 05/04/2013

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyJeu 22 Déc 2016 - 10:29

Petite correction: ca passe en commission IMCO mi janvier pour un vote (plus formel qu'autre chose, d'accord) avant de passer en pleniere vers mi mars. On peut donc encore faire un peu pression sur les membres IMCO avant mi janvier Devil
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Nombre de messages : 1278
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Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyJeu 22 Déc 2016 - 13:30

on a encore un peu de temps pour les emmerder .... surtout si près des élections Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyLun 26 Déc 2016 - 9:44

Les dernières nouvelles de Firearms United:

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Nombre de messages : 1278
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Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyLun 26 Déc 2016 - 10:58

après l'avoir relu ... j’attendrai pour faire péter le champ car j'ai l'impression que c'est ma rondelle qui est en point de mire Oops .

j'ai beau avoir lu que le texte qui a fuité est pas le bon et qu'il faut pas en tenir compte ... je vois pas d’énormes différences  Confus  .

projet de départ de l'europe  :

interdire tous les semi auto d'origine militaire ( modèle full "castré" en semi ) .et ceux ressemblant à des armes militaires moderne.
et tous les chargeurs haute capacité ( 30 coups ? car  en france au de la de 30 coups c'est la catégorie A  )

document fuité :
plus de semi auto facilement "débridable " ( kalash,uzi,fal,fas).
limite de chargeur à 10 pour larmes longues et 20 armes courte.

après lecture du document en suivant le lien dans poste au dessus :

"un travail de réflexion a permis d’élaborer un document que la commission présente aujourd’hui comme un « accord politique provisoire »."

Alors que le texte final validé des résultats obtenus lors des discussions du trilogue ne sera pas publié avant la mi-janvier, il est  susceptible de ne pas contenir, comme annoncé dès le 20 novembre dernier, d’interdiction complète sur les armes à feu modernes basées sur des armes militaires mais « seulement » une interdiction de vendre de nouvelles armes à feu démilitarisées (armes à feu complètement automatiques provenant de stock étatiques et converties en armes semi-automatiques pour la vente commerciale) par les états membres une fois qu’ils auront retranscris cette directive dans leurs lois nationales. Il ne devrait pas contenir non plus d’interdiction totale de chargeurs à grande capacité mais plutôt une restriction à la vente, pour les tireurs sportifs par exemple.

l'accord est provisoire .... . . .  . . . . . .  . .................................... .. ben oui ça se renégociera dans deux ans .
et politique                                      ........................................... m'en bats les  .ouilles ,suis tireur pas politicien  harhar
il est susceptible de ne pas contenir . . . . .....................................  çà veut dire j'en sais rien ??
seulement une interdiction de vendre de nouvelles armes  .. . . . . . ..  et les anciennes déjà vendues ???
qui sera retranscrit dans les lois nationales .................................... je sens une présence dans mon dos et j'aime pas Détective
pas d'interdiction totale                          ...................................  et les anciens que l'on possède ????
restriction a la vente                                                     . . . . ..  . .et qui  pourra en acheter ??

la capacité des chargeurs était abordé dans le document qui à fuité . .  
et je pense que c'est le "compromis" qu'on aura en échange de viagères possibles des semi auto .
avec peut être de nouvelles normes de stockage ???

plus loin on trouve la position de firearm united :  Confus

Il pourrait aussi y avoir des procédures judiciaires qui sont susceptibles d’être lancées afin de contester la violation de nombreuses lois et réglementations européennes.

j'aurai voulu lire : il y aura des procédures . . . Devil  et des appels aux dons pour les financer .

en resumé : suis pas optimiste ... Gun
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Nombre de messages : 4900
Age : 60
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Date d'inscription : 06/10/2010

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyLun 26 Déc 2016 - 12:37

wikicat a écrit:
suis pas optimiste .. Gun

ça va bien se passer. Devil Devil Devil Devil
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Molon Labe
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Molon Labe

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Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyLun 26 Déc 2016 - 13:16

Cobra a écrit:
wikicat a écrit:
suis pas optimiste .. Gun

ça va bien se passer. Devil Devil Devil Devil

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Nombre de messages : 119
Age : 69
Localisation : Alsace France
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2008

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 10 Jan 2017 - 17:45

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2 guns 2 guns 2 guns
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Nombre de messages : 1421
Age : 56
Localisation : Riviera vaudoise
Date d'inscription : 05/04/2013

Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nouvelle directive européenne   Nouvelle directive européenne - Page 6 EmptyMar 10 Jan 2017 - 18:06

Elle n'a encore rien vote!

Pour info, prochaine étape, vote en IMCO:

26 January 2017, 10.15 – 11.45
Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons
 ***I  2015/0269(COD)  COM(2015)0750 – C8-0358/2015

Vicky Ford (ECR)
DT – PE577.045v01-00
·Vote on the text agreed during interinstitutional negotiations

Donc bombardez les membres IMCO (restez poli et serieux)!


voici la liste des emails, j'espere qu'elle est complete et correcte, sinon, prevenez:


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